Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teach Me Tuesdays (a day late) - Family Influence

I've been having a little conversation with myself all day in my head about changing "Teach Me Tuesdays" to "Think About It Thursdays". I'm running out of things to teach you about education every week and there are plenty of controversial subjects that I could talk about on Thursdays. Plus, Tuesdays are the busiest day of my week and I usually to not sit down until bedtime. By then, I just want to sleep. So we'll see what comes of that.

Today's topic, however, is going to be the role of the family in a child's development. This was inspired by my (not so) favorite president's recent flip-flop on his stance on same-sex marriages.

Children learn where they fit into the world based on where they fit into their family. In my family, I have always been the strong one who holds it together and holds things in... guess how I act within other relationships. The exact same way. This isn't some wacky coincidence, it's the way we are all made. We are influenced by each individual in our immediate family.

What we learn from our fathers:
- Fathers provide a challenge for their children to explore their own strength and boundaries through rough-and-tumble play.
- Fathers who are emotionally supportive and acknowledge their child's emotions, the child learns to deal with his/her emotions.
- Fathers challenge children to become more independent.
- Supportive fathers foster a sense of self-control in their children.
- Fathers provide a moral example to their children.
- During adolescence, teenagers tend to pull away from the mother. This is when it is super important for fathers to remain involved with their children and provide support.
- Most importantly, the way that a child views their earthly father is the same way that they will view their heavenly Father. If a child sees their earthly father as absent, they could end up viewing God the same way.

What we learn from our mothers:
- Mothers provide a sense of calmness and comfort from the first time they hold their child.
- Mothers bring a sense of joy to the home. They bring smiles and laughter and praise.
- Mothers... do it all. If I started listing everything they do that influences their children I would be typing for days.

If a child only has one of these influences, chances are they are going to have a tougher time developing a well-rounded personality. They are less secure with who they are and how they fit in to things. There are more and more children growing up in homes that are out-of-whack and not balanced. It's heart breaking. Only one parent, or two mommies, or two daddies... it's not the same. We were made to have a father and a mother.

"And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.” - 2 Corinthians 6:18

Where I got my info:

-Miss Land

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