Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Teach Me Tuesdays - Putnam County making history!

Check this out!

This week Putnam County's school board met via a distance learning lab. Kind of like skyping but bigger! I just happened to stop into one of these rooms earlier that day and got to watch them play around with it. Sure, they've been doing things like this in movies and businesses for years, but this technology is now accessible for YOUR children in YOUR schools.

What purpose does this actually serve in learning?

1. A class in Alaska could pair up with a class in Florida and learn what life is really like for those so far away.

2. You could have conversations with experts on something that you are learning in class, that you wouldn't have access to in person. Your class could even have a conversation with the president! or Bill Gates! Or Justin Beiber!

3. I could be enrolled at Harvard and still live in Cookeville... (because distance is totally the only thing keeping me from attending...)

Not only is it just super cool to be able to talk to multiple people at multiple locations, our kids have so much access to so much knowledge. That's exciting!

-Miss Land


  1. That is quite awesome. Did you take pics?

  2. I should have taken pics, Alex! I didn't even think about it, but that would be something awesome to show my kids one day ... like if Nana had a picture of their first microwave or something! (That's a huge joke because their first microwave is still in use at the house. 45 years and going strong. I'm dead serious.)

    Love you too Kim! :D
