Thursday, January 5, 2012

Getting you all caught up... How I landed my job.

Man, when I started this blog I couldn't wait to FINALLY get my own classroom, my own kiddos, and my own big-girl paycheck. I couldn't wait to sit down with a cup of coffee/tea/whatever and blog about the whole experience. And then, somehow, I let it all slip me by.

So, minus the super excited emotions that would have come with this story originally, here is how I finally came across a real teaching position.

First, I applied everywhere within an hour radius.

Then I stalked every county's website for months. And waited to get a call for an interview.

And waited patiently.........

kept waiting..........

waiting impatiently......


Two weeks before school was supposed to start I finally heard from a school less than a mile away from my apartment! How perfect, right?! Must be a God thing, right?? Wrong... The interview was a complete and utter disaster. I thought I was interviewing for one position and the principal was actually looking to fill a completely different position. It took half-way through the interview for us to realize we were on wayyyyy different pages. I looked dumb. Just plain dumb. He asked me questions that I had to clue how to even begin to answer. I left super embarrassed and discouraged.

At basically the exact same time, I received a call from the place where I tutored part-time all summer. They wanted to know if I would consider a full time position. In my head I thought NOOOOOOOO wayyyyyy am I going to tutor full-time. That sounds like a nightmare! But I told them I would come in to discuss the position. Afterall, what other choice did I have? It had been a solid 7 months since I graduated and nothing else was panning out.

So I go in, and this man explains to me that they are looking for someone to teach a classroom in the private school next-door. What?? I didn't even know there was a school there! He says that they have observed my tutoring and want to offer me the position based on what they have seen during my time there. I told them I would let them know by the end of the week...

I didn't know what to do. I hadn't even considered teaching at a private school. So I thought, prayed, and asked my family what they thought I should do.

Fast-forward 6 months.

Yesterday I began the second half of the school-year at the school that offered me the position. I teach grades 4-6 in one small class of nine students. I have learned more in the past six months than I ever did in college. I have days where I feel like the best teacher in the world. Then I have days where I wonder if anyone has even learned anything in my classroom. I have days that I want to pull my hair out and run out of the building screaming. I also have days that I am overflowing with passion for what I do. Then some days, I wonder if there is some other profession that I would enjoy more. Other days, I can't imagine doing anything else. Overall, I love what I do and I bust by butt making sure that these kids have the best educational experience that I can possibly provide.

Whew, so there it is ya'll. I'm a real teacher now!

-Miss Land (soon to be Mrs. Calhoun!!!!!!... you'll get to hear that story soon, too.)

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