Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Getting you all caught up... How I landed my future hubby!

Jordan and I began kinda dating in the spring of 2009. Not really a romantic story behind it... We had mutual friends, and ran into each other at good ol' Vinnie T's over $5 all you can drink beers, our senior year of college. We hung out a few times. Three weeks later he went home to Oregon to spend the summer with his family. I figured that would be the end of it.

I was so wrong. This 6'5", party animal, can't be tamed, frat daddy called me every single day for the next three months. We were complete opposites and our friends were floored that we were even talking to one another. Some nights we only talked for a few minutes, other nights we talked for hours. I looked forward to hearing from him each night.

Sometime toward the end of the summer/beginning of fall we decided to make it official. We were a couple and it was perfect.

We were different in so many ways (For example, I never would have caught my face on fire freshman year taking a flaming shot.... and that was Jordan's claim to fame!), but we are so alike in the things that matter.

Christmas break 2009 Jordan graduated went back to Oregon for a visit. After being carless for two years, Jordan's dad bought him a car, because he was going to need one for the job hunt. After Christmas I flew out to the west coast and rode back in that car with him all the way to Tennessee. We made a few stops along the way to visit friends and family. Looking back, I can't believe my Nana and Papaw let me do that! All the way across the country with a boy I hardly knew!

Fast-forward to September 2011.

I am still living in Cookeville, and Jordan has been living an hour away in Mt. Juliet for just over a year now. The long distance thing has worked fine, with us seeing each other on weekends, but it's starting to get to me. Jordan has been insisting for weeks that I come to visit him. I have been insisting that he come visit me. I thought that I was standing my ground, by making sure it was fair and I wasn't the one doing all of the traveling. Turns out ... Jordan had reserved an entire restaurant for us to have to ourselves so that he could propose. The only problem was that he kept having to cancel with the restaurant because I continued to refuse to come there. Finally, after dinner with some family and friends one night, we go to the car to leave the restaurant and meet up with everyone else at the bar. Jordan pretends that the car won't start. And I can tell he is pretending. So I'm pissed. I don't know why he is faking a car problem. I assume he just doesn't want to go out with everyone. So I snatch the keys up and start the car myself. He gets out and opens the hood anyways. At this point I think he is a huge idiot and I'm ready to let him have it. I get out and march around the front of the vehicle to find him.....

fumbling with a box in his pocket and getting down on one knee!!!! He proposed... I don't even remember what all he said but I immediately slugged him in the arm (I'm embarrassed at my behavior here) and demand to know if he has gotten my Papaw's permission. He informs me that he drove THREE HOURS to Athens to ask permission a month ago! So then I make sure he has asked my aunt Kim for permission. Of course he had. So I fffiiiinnnnaaaallllyyyy say YES and give him the biggest hug ever! Right about that time, everyone we were going out with drives by honking and congratulating. It was very sweet and very us.

It was also a lesson in being nicer to this sweet boy who puts up with my stubborn-ness.

So as of November 2012 I will be signing my posts as Mrs. Calhoun. Yayyyy!

-Miss Land

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