Friday, August 24, 2012

Approximately 2.8 billion people suffer from this condition on a daily basis. Are you one of them?

hangry adj. (hay-n-gree) The condition that turns a sweet, lovable little lady into a monstrous eating machine who has no regards for those around her until satiated. A combination of the words hungry and angry.

This is a condition that I suffer from between the hours of 3:00 P.M. and 7 P.M. on a daily basis.

HOWEVER, I have found a cure!!

It all began when I acquired my newest obsession: The Magic Bullet.  This blender is THE BOMB Y'ALL!

I now have a smoothie every day of my life.  Not some sugar-loaded, turn you into a fat @$$ smoothie.  I mean a genuinely good-for-me, yummy-in-my-tummy, feed the beast smoothie.

What's that? You're dying to know what is in this magical concoction - Well, ok.  Here it is.  Now, hear me out - some of these things might make you throw up in your mouth a little.  GIVE THEM A CHANCE.  YOU CANNOT TASTE THEM. Don't be a baby.

Take your handy-dandy magic bullet and add the following:

  • 1/3 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/3 cup greek yogurt (Protein! Yum!)
  • 1/3 cup orange juice (I would like to replace this with something less sugary, let me know if you have any awesome ideas)
  • 2 Tbs Flax Seed (You can leave this out if you want to save 70 calories and not poot all night, but it makes it more filling)
  • One small handful of ... this is the part you have to trust me on... spinach.
  • 2 packets of Stevia
  • Add ice to fill
Put the blender attachment on and blend it to smithereens.

The whole thing is about 250 calories.  More like 175 without the flax seed.

If you have any sort of blending apparatus, go make one immediately and save your friends the agony of dealing with your hangriness.

-Miss Land

Monday, August 20, 2012

MJ Life

I am overdue for an update and cannot think of anything to write about!  Here's to hoping this post doesn't turn into a rambling mess.

Work update:

Getting the hang of writing about shoes and LOVING the perks.  A few weeks ago there was a humongous shoe sale for employees and there were Frye boots.... I repeat, FRYE FREAKING BOOTS for an insanely cheap price that I am not even going to share with you because you will cry.  I bought more pairs than I can count.  I am currently down to one spare pair left in a size 7 1/2 (maybe 8... can't remember) that is for sale.  Let me know if you're interested or those puppies are going on ebay.

Um... I also  bought myself some Hunter Wellies and I am PRAYING for a chilly, rainy day soon.  However, I don't know if that is going to happen SO if you see me out in the 90 degree sunshine wearing wellies, you know why.

Wedding update:

We have less than three months, people! Holy cow.  Plowing through the to-do list.

Also, we booked a honeymoon to the Dominican and will be leaving the day after the nuptials. That means we will spend Thanksgiving on the beach and you'd better believe I will be sending some extra thank yous to the big guy upstairs for that one!

Life update:

I miss being all comfortable in Cookeville still, but I am adjusting.  I've met some really nice workout buddies in my kickboxing class at the Y, and I'm getting used to my schedule and commute here.

Umm.... I'm obsessed with my Magic Bullet blender and I have a smoothie every day of my life.

When I don't get to go to Life Church in Cookeville, I listen to the live stream online, which is amazing, instead of branching out and looking for a church here like I should. Whatever, I can only handle so many new things at once.

That sums things up!  Keep praying for some peace of mind as the wedding approaches.  If you know me, you know I'm a freaker outter when big things are happening.  Thank you!

-Miss Land

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Ya'll, it has been an EXHAUSTING couple of weeks!

I finally got settled in at the house of some of my good friends, and I am finally going to be settled down (somewhat) until November.  I am so grateful for my friends, Ben and Channing who have opened up their home to me and let me haul all of my stuff into their spare room until wedding time.

I have started getting the hang of the shoe copy writing business and I still really enjoy it!  Today was super slow, but apparently next week we will be SLAMMED with tons of shoes.  I guess that's the calm before the storm.

I have really been missing my old, comfortable routine of going to work, working out, eating, then going to bed.  It really was super easy and I knew what I was doing.

The new routine is more like:
  • Get up
  • 30 minute commute
  • Work
  • Spend lunch doing a wedding task
  • 30 minute commute back
  • Scarf down a smoothie (courtesy of my new magic bullet... I am obsessed. Got anything that needs pulverizing? I can help you with that!)
  • Unpack something, or pack something, or do laundry, or whatever wacko random task is awaiting me.
  • Assemble some sort of dinner at Jordan's and leave it on the counter with directions
  • Run to the Y in the biggest hurry of my life because I hate to be late for classes
  • Sprint back into the house because I forgot a water... or my keys... or shoes
  • Work my booty off (I wish... that thing won't get any smaller)
  • Head back to Jordan's for dinner 
  • By now, somehow, it is like NINE
  • Leave to go back to my new bed
  • Repeat
I'm sure I will eventually settle into a routine that doesn't leave me frazzled.  Until then, I will keep functioning on coffee and smoothies.

Also, just a side note.  I really miss my Cookeville family and friends.

So many big changes are happening and I am learning to abandon my own plans and rely solely on the Lord. He's got this!

-Miss Land