Monday, March 28, 2011


So I like to type this blog so that I can document my goofy transition into being an adult. And I mean goofy. There should be a class in college called LIFE101. You should be taught to balance your checkbook, budget, fix a broken toilet, change the dryer lint thingy regularly. In this class there would be a vocabulary list that must be mastered before passing. The list would include words like: mortgage, mutual fund, 401k, and all of the other words that I act like I know in conversation and then Google when I get home. Maybe all of these seem like common knowledge to you grown-ups out there but I'm clueless.

I wrote all that to tell you about my latest grown-up goof. It has been three months since I graduated, and I just now got some of my thank you notes addressed and stamped to send out. SHAME ON ME. My Nana would give me a swift kick in the butt for this one. Mind you, I wrote all of them THE NEXT WEEK after graduating. That was the hard part and for some reason I put off the easy part (addressing and stamping) until just now. If there is a grown-up of the year award out there somewhere, I will not be receiving it this year.

Oh well, add it to the list!

And here's the list:

*Signing up for a Target credit card and then forgetting to pay it off. A $100 debt turned into a $200 debt real quick. Lesson learned.

*Letting a $1000 check expire. (Don't worry, I got another one sent) Lesson learned.

*Arguing over a thermostat by jacking the heat way up. Expensive bill. Lesson learned.

*Sending a rent check without a signature (accidentally). Twice. Nearly evicted. Lesson Learned.

*Driving too fast as a teenager and rolled a vehicle. Lesson learned.

*Blew off my best friend for a boy. We didn't speak for a year, and it was miserable. Lesson learned.

*Being at odds with my Grandad in Oklahoma at the time he passed away. Didn't get to say goodbye. Lesson learned.

I don't know about you guys, but I am so far from perfect. Thank the Lord for having mercy on me and leading me through these lessons, the ones that are funny to look back on, and the ones that hurt to think about.

To tie this into my teaching theme, I look forward to watching generations of sweet children learn their lessons. Not so much math, science, social studies, and english. More so, the things that matter. How to be a responsible future-adult, how to make friends and keep them, how to show love to others, and how to love a Holy God. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm not allowed to talk about Him in school, but actions speak far louder than words and I want to be a guiding light.

-Miss Land

Friday, March 25, 2011

Teach Me Tuesdays! Teacher/Student Facebook Friending

I do not confirm students or their parents as Facebook friends (unless I am legitimately friends and we hang out and really know one another) for many reasons. I came across this blog that explains why it is a horrible idea to befriend your students. Check it out and I'm sure you will agree.

-Miss Land

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is it Friday yet?

Wow, I started out really good at this blogging thing and I've already turned into a slacker...

This week has been a pretty average week at work. Monday went better than I had expected, but then Tuesday reality sank in that it is the last nine weeks of the school year and the kids have gone BONKERS. One kid of mine stole something from the P.E. teacher... not the first thing he's stolen. Kids are going to the office left and right. Students are no longer allowed to go to their lockers between classes because that's when they cause the most trouble. I mean, one thing after another.

Today, however, was a piece of cake. I have P.E. the first two hours of the day with two different sets of students. Then 3rd period was D.A.R.E. so there wasn't much for me to do. 4th period was super easy because the teacher spent the entire period reading from the social studies book. 5th period was a breeze because students were giving 4H presentations (boring when we were in school, still boring today...) and before I knew it, it was time to go home! Wahoo!

And guess what! Tomorrow is FRIDAY! Yeeeeeeeah.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So Long, Spring Break.

Here it is, the last day of my Spring Break. It has been wonderful. The weather has been between 65 and 80 the whole week and I am already in Summer mode.

What I did all week:
bought a new cell phone
started running again
went out with friends in the MIDDLE of the week (huge deal these days)
Spent a super-fun day at Six Flags with that boy I date

The only thing that I did not get to do was go home and visit my Nana and Papaw. I have not been home since Christmas break. I wanted to go during the week, but had to babysit to make up for not actually working this past week. So my biggest priority next weekend: GOING HOME.

Tomorrow, my first day back at work after the entire week off, should be interesting... My kiddos have been at home for a week and will be coming back to a structured environment. This is a hard task for anyone without a learning disorder, so just imagine what an adjustment it will be for these guys! I'll be sure to blog tomorrow!

-Miss Land

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break!

It may not be a wild week in Panama City, but I am thoroughly enjoying sleeping in and not having to be in teacher clothes everyday. I didn't even notice that yesterday was a Monday. I slept until 10:30, went for a run (go me!), and did absolutely nothing productive.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Just another manic Monday....

Seriously, Mondays turn me into a crazy person. And they aren't super for my kids either. All of the hard work we put in to getting these kids to follow directions, listen to their teachers, and pay attention goes to crap over the weekend. As soon as the kiddos come back on Monday it feels like we have to start from square one. This is FRUSTRATING. It's not just the kids though. I think I spend most of my Monday mourning over the weekend ending. With Jordan living an hour away and only getting to see him on the weekends, it's starting to make the weeks suck.... and I'm normally a very positive person, but I feel like I'm spending the entire week just wishing the weekend would hurry up and get here. Guess this is something that I need to work on, appreciating the weekdays as well as the weekends.

It doesn't help that almost everyone I know is on a beach right now for Spring Break.

Click here to hear my theme song today... you may recognize it from a certain AWESOME movie that I love. Just call me Gru.

Ok, I promise I am finished complaining now. I hope you all have a wonderfully blessed week!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I'm sitting here with a bunch of friends, all of which are still in school, and they are all talking about Spring Break '11. This sucks. My spring break is the week after everyone else's. Maybe I should have went to grad school.....