Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Day Substituting

I was already scheduled to substitute today, however I received a call at FIVE-THIRTY this morning requesting a sub... then again at six, and yet another time at 7:50. When it rains, it pours (in a good way)! I think the Lord may just be having a little laugh at my expense for my impatience about getting started, and now the phone calls/texts/emails are rolling in! Hallelujah!

I arrived at school to sub this morning and was greeted with lots of sweet hugs! These kids are awesome. Everything went well and I don't have any horror stories to tell! Today was a blessing :)

I am supposed to sub on Friday, but the weather woman is on the TV right now talking about the 3-4 inches we are expecting tomorrow afternoon. She also says that it will be cold enough Friday that no-matter how much sunshine we get, it won't be warm enough to melt the accumulation. Soooo.... I'm guessing I won't be working Friday. I have a feeling that snow days and summers are going to make up for my tiny salary and I am not mad at that!!

-Miss Land

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo I'm so happy for you! You may like subbing so much you won't want a permanent position! Nah!
