Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Teach Me Tuesdays! Multiple Intelligences

As a teacher, I am supposed to come up with creative lessons that appeal to children of all learning types and all of the multiple intelligences. This can be really easy for some lessons and super hard for other lessons. It is fun to see if I can include all of them in a single lesson so that, in a perfect world, it appeals to all students in the class.

Here is a quiz to find out what your multiple intelligences are. Below is a short explanation of each.

The Multiple Intelligences include:

1. Spatial - If you are spacial you think in pictures and enjoy reading maps, charts, pictures, videos, etc.

2. Verbal - If you are verbal you are likely to be an elegant speaker who thinks in words rather than in pictures.

3. Mathematical - If you are mathematical you are definitely not me.... you make connections between the world around you and mathematical equations. Your strengths are problem solving and working with long, complex problems and geometrical shapes. You would likely make a good architect.

4. Kinesthetic - If you are kinesthetic you are a hands-on person with good hand-eye coorination and balance and are able to express yourself through movement.

5. Musical - If you are musical you have the ability to produce and appreciate music. You immediately respond to sounds around you.

6. Interpersonal - You are able to communicate well and relate to others. You try to maintain peace and are also excellent at organizing information.

7. Intrapersonal - You have the ability to self-reflect. You learn mostly from your feelings, thoughts, dreams, and reflection on relationships with others.

I am a combination of Kinesthetic (I love to move around and touch things), Interpersonal (I am pretty social and love meeting new people... I'm also super organized), and Intrapersonal (I learn a lot from examining past experiences). Leave a comment and let me know what yours are!

1 comment:

  1. Spatial ( my Mama always told me I was spatial!ha) Musical, and Interpersonal. Now teach me!
