Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lonnnnng Day

I hopped out of bed this morning, got ready, and headed out to put business cards in all of the teachers mailboxes in Putnam County. I made it to about half of the schools. About an hour into my day, I called Kim (my Mauntster - that's Mom+Aunt+Sister... you'll probably hear a lot more about her in future posts... she's awesome) and went to lunch with her and a few people she works with. As soon as I sat down at their table, I burst into tears. Didn't even see it coming. I think all of the pressure that I've been putting on myself finally got to me. I needed to get it out, and I did. Then, I was totally over it and ready to continue with the day. So I took off to Overton County to apply to teach/sub there too. Took care of that, came back to Cookeville and went to the central office where I was finally told that I am officially on the sub-list! FINALLY!!!! Theeennnnn, I got a call from a lady at my church needing volunteers for after-school tutoring. Sooooo I headed straight there and tutored from 4-5:30 and now I am finally relaxing in my pjs.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, society needs more like you! You're the greatest!
