Thursday, September 6, 2012

Take two helpings of salmon and call me in the morning...

Alrighty,  had an appointment for a check-up yesterday.  I hadn't been to the doctor  in a while and had a few things that needed addressing.

At this check-up they took blood to check my glucose levels, liver, kidneys, and cholesterol.

Today I got a phone call with the results of said testing and apparently my cholesterol is a smidge high.  Now, when I think of people with high cholesterol, I think of big fat fatties eating fried foods and dipping them in butter.  If you know me you know that I am a size two and I eat relatively healthy foods. I do not fit your typical profile of someone with high cholesterol.

I've made it a point to watch carbs to avoid blood sugar problems and a fat belly.

I like to eat fresh fruits and vegetables all the time.

But, I have always had a love of butter.  And a weakness for fried goodies. And I've grown up with gravy and biscuts being a staple.  I thought I did a good job of eating those things in moderation, but it's time to pay a little more attention.

My curiosity was sparked and I've been doing some internet research.  Here's what I know about cholesterol:
  • Bad carries fatty stuff from your liver to your blood.
  • Good cholesterol carries fatty stuff from your blood to your liver to get rid of it
What's the difference?
  • Bad cholesterol comes from saturated fats
  • Good cholesterol comes from foods rich in Omega 3s like salmon, tuna, nuts, olive oil, etc.
Somehow fiber plays into getting rid of the bad stuff too. And if you get too much of the bad stuff it can clog up arteries leading to heart problems.

While mine wasn't bad, it was only borderline high, I want to catch it before it has a chance to get bad.

Here's my plan of attack:

  • Fried foods - Once a month.
  •  Read packaging on labels to check for saturated fats.  Apparently the box of off-brand cheezits in front of me has 2 grams per serving.  See ya!  No more of those apparently...
  • Butter.... what to do about butter....?? I don't know.  I love the stuff.
  • Red meats.... taking this portion from 2 times a week to maybe twice a month
That's just the beginning.  I want to learn more.

Here's my call to action to you though, go get a check-up!  If I can have this problem, so can any of you!  Don't wait until you are old and need a quadruple bypass.  Take care of it now.  Adults over 20 should have this checked once every five years, according to the websites I've visited.

Here are some resources:

Educate yourselves :)

-Miss Land

Monday, September 3, 2012

Another yummy treat!

Again with the "hangry" issue that I have...

If I don't eat breakfast, I don't function.  Plain and simple.

However, I have a war with myself every morning.  Sleep 10 more minutes.. or have time to fix something to eat?  Sleep? Eat? Sleep? Eat?..... Sleep wins 9 times out of 10.

So I've been looking for a solution.  What can I prepare ahead of time that I can grab and run out the door, but is still "clean" and nutritious?

I found  a baked oatmeal recipe on Pinterest and it was okay, but lacking some yumminess.

I've been baking one of these on Sunday and heating it up through the rest of the week.  I've tweaked it each time and have finally perfected my recipe!

Tasha's clean, yummy, awesome baked oatmeal

1 c. Old fashioned oats (not  the instant or 1 minute kind... although they would work too)
1 c. Whole wheat flour
1 tsp. baking powder
dash of salt
4 packets of Truvia
1/3 c. brown sugar
2 T melted butter
1 egg
2/3 c. milk

ANY fruits and nuts you want to add.  My favorite batch used fresh blueberries, banana, and a granny smith apple.  I also use chopped walnuts each time.

Step 1:  Pour oats into a bowl and add just enough water to almost cover.  Microwave for 1 1/2 minutes.

Step 2:  Mix all of the ingredients together with that oatmeal, (not sure how accurate my milk measurement was... so just know you want it to be the consistency of banana bread or muffins... add more or less milk if you need to) then pour into a greased, 9x13 dish.

Step 3: Bake at 375 for 30 minutes.

It's that easy!  After it has cooled, I cut it into squares and place in ziplocks in the fridge.

So easy, and oh so yummy....

Now, go eat some!  No more fatty fast food breakfasts or sugary cereals!  

Friday, August 24, 2012

Approximately 2.8 billion people suffer from this condition on a daily basis. Are you one of them?

hangry adj. (hay-n-gree) The condition that turns a sweet, lovable little lady into a monstrous eating machine who has no regards for those around her until satiated. A combination of the words hungry and angry.

This is a condition that I suffer from between the hours of 3:00 P.M. and 7 P.M. on a daily basis.

HOWEVER, I have found a cure!!

It all began when I acquired my newest obsession: The Magic Bullet.  This blender is THE BOMB Y'ALL!

I now have a smoothie every day of my life.  Not some sugar-loaded, turn you into a fat @$$ smoothie.  I mean a genuinely good-for-me, yummy-in-my-tummy, feed the beast smoothie.

What's that? You're dying to know what is in this magical concoction - Well, ok.  Here it is.  Now, hear me out - some of these things might make you throw up in your mouth a little.  GIVE THEM A CHANCE.  YOU CANNOT TASTE THEM. Don't be a baby.

Take your handy-dandy magic bullet and add the following:

  • 1/3 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1/3 cup greek yogurt (Protein! Yum!)
  • 1/3 cup orange juice (I would like to replace this with something less sugary, let me know if you have any awesome ideas)
  • 2 Tbs Flax Seed (You can leave this out if you want to save 70 calories and not poot all night, but it makes it more filling)
  • One small handful of ... this is the part you have to trust me on... spinach.
  • 2 packets of Stevia
  • Add ice to fill
Put the blender attachment on and blend it to smithereens.

The whole thing is about 250 calories.  More like 175 without the flax seed.

If you have any sort of blending apparatus, go make one immediately and save your friends the agony of dealing with your hangriness.

-Miss Land

Monday, August 20, 2012

MJ Life

I am overdue for an update and cannot think of anything to write about!  Here's to hoping this post doesn't turn into a rambling mess.

Work update:

Getting the hang of writing about shoes and LOVING the perks.  A few weeks ago there was a humongous shoe sale for employees and there were Frye boots.... I repeat, FRYE FREAKING BOOTS for an insanely cheap price that I am not even going to share with you because you will cry.  I bought more pairs than I can count.  I am currently down to one spare pair left in a size 7 1/2 (maybe 8... can't remember) that is for sale.  Let me know if you're interested or those puppies are going on ebay.

Um... I also  bought myself some Hunter Wellies and I am PRAYING for a chilly, rainy day soon.  However, I don't know if that is going to happen SO if you see me out in the 90 degree sunshine wearing wellies, you know why.

Wedding update:

We have less than three months, people! Holy cow.  Plowing through the to-do list.

Also, we booked a honeymoon to the Dominican and will be leaving the day after the nuptials. That means we will spend Thanksgiving on the beach and you'd better believe I will be sending some extra thank yous to the big guy upstairs for that one!

Life update:

I miss being all comfortable in Cookeville still, but I am adjusting.  I've met some really nice workout buddies in my kickboxing class at the Y, and I'm getting used to my schedule and commute here.

Umm.... I'm obsessed with my Magic Bullet blender and I have a smoothie every day of my life.

When I don't get to go to Life Church in Cookeville, I listen to the live stream online, which is amazing, instead of branching out and looking for a church here like I should. Whatever, I can only handle so many new things at once.

That sums things up!  Keep praying for some peace of mind as the wedding approaches.  If you know me, you know I'm a freaker outter when big things are happening.  Thank you!

-Miss Land

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Ya'll, it has been an EXHAUSTING couple of weeks!

I finally got settled in at the house of some of my good friends, and I am finally going to be settled down (somewhat) until November.  I am so grateful for my friends, Ben and Channing who have opened up their home to me and let me haul all of my stuff into their spare room until wedding time.

I have started getting the hang of the shoe copy writing business and I still really enjoy it!  Today was super slow, but apparently next week we will be SLAMMED with tons of shoes.  I guess that's the calm before the storm.

I have really been missing my old, comfortable routine of going to work, working out, eating, then going to bed.  It really was super easy and I knew what I was doing.

The new routine is more like:
  • Get up
  • 30 minute commute
  • Work
  • Spend lunch doing a wedding task
  • 30 minute commute back
  • Scarf down a smoothie (courtesy of my new magic bullet... I am obsessed. Got anything that needs pulverizing? I can help you with that!)
  • Unpack something, or pack something, or do laundry, or whatever wacko random task is awaiting me.
  • Assemble some sort of dinner at Jordan's and leave it on the counter with directions
  • Run to the Y in the biggest hurry of my life because I hate to be late for classes
  • Sprint back into the house because I forgot a water... or my keys... or shoes
  • Work my booty off (I wish... that thing won't get any smaller)
  • Head back to Jordan's for dinner 
  • By now, somehow, it is like NINE
  • Leave to go back to my new bed
  • Repeat
I'm sure I will eventually settle into a routine that doesn't leave me frazzled.  Until then, I will keep functioning on coffee and smoothies.

Also, just a side note.  I really miss my Cookeville family and friends.

So many big changes are happening and I am learning to abandon my own plans and rely solely on the Lord. He's got this!

-Miss Land

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

First week as a shoe copywriter...

Ok, so maybe my favorite thing about the new job is that I have to type the material in, somewhat like a blog, and I have learned how to skip lines and add bullets. Like this:
  • OK.. so this line should be a new bullet.
  • And so should this one
And now I should have skipped a line if I have done it correctly. Seems like this would be super easy, but it is so easy to get mixed up.Other than learning this cool new trick (apparently called HTML...), I have learned all kinds of shoe vocabulary that I had no idea existed. Like:
  • vamp - upper front
  • instep - kind of right in front of your ankle
  • perforated - Breathable holes
  • hook-and-loop closure - The way most Velcro(r) straps work
  • Elastic goring panel - Stretchy band
  • and the list goes on...
And another fun fact about this job - It is way less stressful than teaching. I come in, get situated at my cubicle, and then start writing descriptions about racks and racks of shoes. That's right, I am surrounded by shoes all day! However, most of them are kids shoes... or these hideous skater shoes. But occassionally, I get the opportunity to write about one of these beauties! Here are a few more of the descriptions I have written in the past week: Puma, Stride Rite girls, Mens' Kenneth Cole, and my very least favorite of all: Etnies.

I have learned so much in the past week, thanks to my awesome friend, Karla!  And I am loving it :)

-Miss Land ... shoe describer extraordinaire

I am practicing writing my blog and figuring out how to add bullets.
  • IS this corect
  • I dont know how to skip lines

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

New Page...

Welp, after applying for at least 50 jobs all over Middle Tennessee and still hearing nothing, I have accepted a job as a temporary copywriter for A good friend brought up my name when they were talking about hiring someone to help her out for the Fall season. I sent them my resume and the lady who was doing the hiring called me. We talked for like 30 minutes about the details of the job and the next day she called and offered me the position. I was a little hesitant, but had kind of given up on hope for a teaching position and decided it is great to have something to last a little while at least. The job runs from the end of July to the end of September. This could go one of two ways (in my head at least): Situation #1: When this job is over I will substitute teach in Wilson County, be able to have time off for the wedding, and then prayyyyy for an interim teaching position in December, that will lead to finally getting an actual position the following Fall. Situation #2: I'll be the best darn temp they have ever had and they will love me so much that a spot will come open to work there permanently and my whole career path will change direction. Or maybe it will play out way differently than I can imagine. Either way, I am headed to Wilson County tonight to stay with friends for the end of this week until I either find an apartment or someone who will house me until wedding time. Those of you who have been praying for me, send up a prayer to strengthen my faith in knowing the Lord will provide. I know He will, but worry anyway. I stress about um... everything these days! So, here's to the end of sleeping in and laying by the pool on weekdays and the beginning of figuring out what to do with my life :) -Miss Land

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm still alive ... I swear.

Ok, I got out of the blogging habit when I didn't have internet at my apartment for a while, but I am ready to get back into it! I love to write and it makes me feel really awesome when people tell me they actually read this thing! So here's an update: 1. Wedding is FOUR months away. I'm so ready for it to be here already!!! Most of the big things are taken care of, and now it's time to do the boring little things. 2. I am currently living with my Aunt Kim and her family. I am super thankful that they are so welcoming and let me just come on in without any notice. Not sure how long I will be here all of that kind of depends on the job search. Which brings me to ... 3. I have applied for jobs in Wilson County and every county that touches it and haven't gotten ONE SINGLE CALL for an interview. I have remained fairly positive that I will get a job... until today. I don't understand what I've got to do to get someone to pay attention to me! I have a great resume, and I am the best darn teacher these people are going to find. So what is the deal?? I have emailed every principal in Wilson County and I only got a reply from three. They all said the same thing, "We have no available positions, but will keep you in mind if any come open". That's the equivalent of going on a miserable date and the guy saying "Hey, I'll give you a call sometime." Not gonna happen. I know the Lord will provide, but I feel like there is something I should be doing to make this happen. So anyways, that's the skinny. I'm working on one big fat post to sum up the events in the last year that have put me in a blog-funk, but I get overwhelmed and just keep thinking I'll do it some other time. Thanks to all of you faithful friends who keep encouraging me :) And if you have any awesome advice, please feel free to comment! I need all I can get!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

iPad... yay!!!

Just this week, a flat-screen TV was installed in my classroom. I also now have appleTV, which means that ANYTHING I can do on a computer, I can project onto my TV screen. Way cool! I'm almost overwhelmed with the possibilities of what I can do with it. So far, I've used it for a white board and showing videos. But I know there is a TON more that can be done, I'm just trying to figure it all out. If anyone has any way cool ideas, please comment! The possibilities are endless!

Yay for technology in the classroom!

Friday, January 13, 2012

My New Year Goal: Taking control of my money

My New Year Goal* this year: Take control of my money

*Notice I say goal, not resolution. NOBODY keeps a resolution. Calling it a resolution sets it up for failure. This is a goal. It's something I have wanted to do for a while and January seemed like a great time to start.

First of all, know that I grew up with parents who were HORRIBLE with money. I never had a shining example to teach me. I'm clueless and learning as I go. I am also horrible at math and so far from being an accountant it's laughable. If I can do this, ANYONE can.

One year ago, I read a Dave Ramsey book and was inspired to make sure that I have control of every penny I make. At the time, I did not have a job and wasn't in the right place in life to start this. My main goal was just to pay my bills and have enough money for rent.

Now that I have a steady income, this is the perfect time to start the good ol' envelope system! It is SO simple and so far, has really shown me where my money goes and what things can be eliminated.

I've never been a good budget maker/keeper but so far, this has been successful and kind of fun!

First I printed this envelope template:

I traced the template on pretty scrapbooking paper that I had laying around and came up with these beauties! (Please ignore the shotty photograpy... not getting along too well with Mr. Droid these days.)

The second thing that I did was make a list of every single bill that I have per month. That is the amount that I put into my checking account. So the only money left in my checking account is the total amount to pay my bills, plus a $50 cushion in case I miscalculate.

Next, I made a list of money I would spend before the next paycheck that was not a bill. This list included:

Hair appointment - $28

Groceries (For me, this includes food, toiletries, basically anything I can buy at Walmart) - $100

Gas - $40

Eating out/Entertainment - $50

Oil change - $38

I have now calculated every penny that I would spend until the next paycheck. So I took my total paycheck, subtracted bills and immediately put that amount in checking. Then I had the bank give me cash for the amount that I would spend on things other than bills. After that there was around $250 left. So that went straight into savings.

When I have tell people about my new system, they always say, "I would do that, but I don't like the idea of carrying cash with me. What if I lose my wallet or it's stolen?" Well DUH, don't carry it all with you! Keep it in a safe place at home until you need it. No one will break into your house and steal it, either, as long as you find a place that makes absolutely no sense to keep money. Don't put it in your freezer, under your mattress, or anywhere that obvious.

I am two weeks into this system now, and LOVING it! It's a fun challenge to only spend the amount in the envelope. And it's painful to take money out of the wedding envelope. This makes my saving a much more tangible thing, when I can actually see the money being taken out of that envelope.

Also, keep it mind, it's a godly thing to be good with your money. Google verses dealing with money. There are tons. My next paycheck I will work tithing into the budget as well. Shame on me for letting it slip this time!

I hope by showing you just how easy this system is, you will be motivated to take charge of your money! You work hard for it, don't blow it by not having a budget, because you WILL spend more than you think on dumb stuff if you don't have a plan! You can do it!

P.S.... If you read this blog, or even if this is your first visit, please click the follow button! It's encouraging to have followers and right now, I only have 17... I know that more people are reading and I want to know who you are!

P.S.S.... Don't be afraid to comment here and there either. Also, super encouraging.

Thanks! You all are fabulous!

-Miss Land

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just a little something I whipped up...

We have been working on commas and I have the hardest time finding resources that I like for teaching commas. So, like I do with everything, I made my own.

I typed up my own cute little list of comma rules that we have learned. To all of my teacher friends, feel free to print/copy/use it if you think it will be helpful :)

Here is the link to the google doc version (the original is a .doc, so it has changed a little):

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Getting you all caught up... How I landed my future hubby!

Jordan and I began kinda dating in the spring of 2009. Not really a romantic story behind it... We had mutual friends, and ran into each other at good ol' Vinnie T's over $5 all you can drink beers, our senior year of college. We hung out a few times. Three weeks later he went home to Oregon to spend the summer with his family. I figured that would be the end of it.

I was so wrong. This 6'5", party animal, can't be tamed, frat daddy called me every single day for the next three months. We were complete opposites and our friends were floored that we were even talking to one another. Some nights we only talked for a few minutes, other nights we talked for hours. I looked forward to hearing from him each night.

Sometime toward the end of the summer/beginning of fall we decided to make it official. We were a couple and it was perfect.

We were different in so many ways (For example, I never would have caught my face on fire freshman year taking a flaming shot.... and that was Jordan's claim to fame!), but we are so alike in the things that matter.

Christmas break 2009 Jordan graduated went back to Oregon for a visit. After being carless for two years, Jordan's dad bought him a car, because he was going to need one for the job hunt. After Christmas I flew out to the west coast and rode back in that car with him all the way to Tennessee. We made a few stops along the way to visit friends and family. Looking back, I can't believe my Nana and Papaw let me do that! All the way across the country with a boy I hardly knew!

Fast-forward to September 2011.

I am still living in Cookeville, and Jordan has been living an hour away in Mt. Juliet for just over a year now. The long distance thing has worked fine, with us seeing each other on weekends, but it's starting to get to me. Jordan has been insisting for weeks that I come to visit him. I have been insisting that he come visit me. I thought that I was standing my ground, by making sure it was fair and I wasn't the one doing all of the traveling. Turns out ... Jordan had reserved an entire restaurant for us to have to ourselves so that he could propose. The only problem was that he kept having to cancel with the restaurant because I continued to refuse to come there. Finally, after dinner with some family and friends one night, we go to the car to leave the restaurant and meet up with everyone else at the bar. Jordan pretends that the car won't start. And I can tell he is pretending. So I'm pissed. I don't know why he is faking a car problem. I assume he just doesn't want to go out with everyone. So I snatch the keys up and start the car myself. He gets out and opens the hood anyways. At this point I think he is a huge idiot and I'm ready to let him have it. I get out and march around the front of the vehicle to find him.....

fumbling with a box in his pocket and getting down on one knee!!!! He proposed... I don't even remember what all he said but I immediately slugged him in the arm (I'm embarrassed at my behavior here) and demand to know if he has gotten my Papaw's permission. He informs me that he drove THREE HOURS to Athens to ask permission a month ago! So then I make sure he has asked my aunt Kim for permission. Of course he had. So I fffiiiinnnnaaaallllyyyy say YES and give him the biggest hug ever! Right about that time, everyone we were going out with drives by honking and congratulating. It was very sweet and very us.

It was also a lesson in being nicer to this sweet boy who puts up with my stubborn-ness.

So as of November 2012 I will be signing my posts as Mrs. Calhoun. Yayyyy!

-Miss Land

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Getting you all caught up... How I landed my job.

Man, when I started this blog I couldn't wait to FINALLY get my own classroom, my own kiddos, and my own big-girl paycheck. I couldn't wait to sit down with a cup of coffee/tea/whatever and blog about the whole experience. And then, somehow, I let it all slip me by.

So, minus the super excited emotions that would have come with this story originally, here is how I finally came across a real teaching position.

First, I applied everywhere within an hour radius.

Then I stalked every county's website for months. And waited to get a call for an interview.

And waited patiently.........

kept waiting..........

waiting impatiently......


Two weeks before school was supposed to start I finally heard from a school less than a mile away from my apartment! How perfect, right?! Must be a God thing, right?? Wrong... The interview was a complete and utter disaster. I thought I was interviewing for one position and the principal was actually looking to fill a completely different position. It took half-way through the interview for us to realize we were on wayyyyy different pages. I looked dumb. Just plain dumb. He asked me questions that I had to clue how to even begin to answer. I left super embarrassed and discouraged.

At basically the exact same time, I received a call from the place where I tutored part-time all summer. They wanted to know if I would consider a full time position. In my head I thought NOOOOOOOO wayyyyyy am I going to tutor full-time. That sounds like a nightmare! But I told them I would come in to discuss the position. Afterall, what other choice did I have? It had been a solid 7 months since I graduated and nothing else was panning out.

So I go in, and this man explains to me that they are looking for someone to teach a classroom in the private school next-door. What?? I didn't even know there was a school there! He says that they have observed my tutoring and want to offer me the position based on what they have seen during my time there. I told them I would let them know by the end of the week...

I didn't know what to do. I hadn't even considered teaching at a private school. So I thought, prayed, and asked my family what they thought I should do.

Fast-forward 6 months.

Yesterday I began the second half of the school-year at the school that offered me the position. I teach grades 4-6 in one small class of nine students. I have learned more in the past six months than I ever did in college. I have days where I feel like the best teacher in the world. Then I have days where I wonder if anyone has even learned anything in my classroom. I have days that I want to pull my hair out and run out of the building screaming. I also have days that I am overflowing with passion for what I do. Then some days, I wonder if there is some other profession that I would enjoy more. Other days, I can't imagine doing anything else. Overall, I love what I do and I bust by butt making sure that these kids have the best educational experience that I can possibly provide.

Whew, so there it is ya'll. I'm a real teacher now!

-Miss Land (soon to be Mrs. Calhoun!!!!!!... you'll get to hear that story soon, too.)